Pic  Privatized Water Pirates

Privatize Meander Water?

The privatized water pirates will save us if we fail to save ourselves. 

The Gem of Northeast Ohio: Meander Reservoir, Dam and Water. 
This gem is a PUBLIC water source, owned by the PEOPLE of Youngstown and Niles, Ohio.  We Can Not Allow Meander Water To Be Privatized.

pic  Privatized Water Pirate Treasure Chest

The PEOPLE own and control our water supply and have done a great job for 90 years.

 Prior to the 4.0 magnitude Youngstown earthquake, Meander dam was in need of $4 million in repairs.
After the earthquake, repairs now materialize to over $50 million, and going up every time I ask. If the people can't afford to fix it, the privatizing pirates can, and will.

pic  Argh says Cap'n Privatize

The Water Privatizing Pirates Never Work Alone.

The pirates of privatized water require help. Privatizing a water source requires the co-operation of elected and appointed officials at the state and local level.  These officials can fly under the radar by not having to publicly say they are for privatizing the public water source, when all they really have to do is ignore it.
Ignore the poor condition of the dam and let it deteriorate to the point where the public owners can no longer afford to fix it. 
Ignore finding the grant monies to fix it.
Ignore, delay and deny grant monies to fix it.

The PEOPLE of the Mahoning Valley cannot afford these
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